HARINAVI D.V.A.S. HIGH SCHOOL was established in 1866 at the onset of Bengal renaissance by Pandit Dwarakanath Vidyabhusan. Since its foundation it was very much associated to a cluster of eminent scholars as teachers and produced a galaxy of students who dignified many responsible positions of our state, our country and abroad by their talents. It is an institute of repute. The school entered in its 150 years of chronicle in this year 2016. A series of events was organized by 150 years Celebration Committee throughout the year. The Closing Ceremony of the sesquicentennial celebrations will be started from 25th August 2016, on the Founders Day. The institute welcomes all to share its saga of legacy.
We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.
-A. P. J. Abdul Kalam /